Blessing Prayer For the Christmas Crib


Blessing Prayer For the Christmas Crib
By Edward Hays “Prayers for the Domestic Church”

A reading from the prophet Isaiah:
The leader or other reads chapter 9, verse 1-2, 5.

Let us pray in silence
for the coming of peace into the world
and into our home.

Pause for silent prayer

as we pray before this our Christmas crib-shrine
and await the feast of the birth of the Holy Child,
call forth the dormant child from within each of us
cause us to wonder into rejoice again
in this most ancient feast.

As the magi came bearing gifts,
may we, this Christmas, gift one another
with the gold of charity,
the myrrh of kindness
and the incense of prayer.

With the shepherds,
we come to the birth of Christ
seeking a simple celebration,
where are the greatest gift will be ourselves
given to You, our God,
and to each other.

May the star of Bethlehem
which shown brightly over the first crib
stand guard over our home,
fill it and all the earth
with light and peace.

All present may sing Silent Night or another Christmas carol.

We adore You, oh Christ, and we bless You
because by Your holy birth
You give hope to all the world.
